Tuula Teräväinen
The Politics of Energy Technologies
The global concern over climate change has had unprecedented broad implications across policy sectors and levels of politics. It has also emphasised the role of technology in climate and energy policies.
With a focus on exploring how the dimension of political has been constituted in and through national policy discussions, this study analyses the ways in which various actors in Finland, the UK, and France have debated climate change, energy policy, and technology, and what kinds of implications this has had in terms of established eco-political, normative, and politicoinstitutional understandings.
The study highlights the mutually constitutive interplay between polity and politics and develops theoretical and methodological tools that allow combining structural and discursive-symbolic dimensions of politics in analyses of public policies.
Alkuperäinen hinta oli: 23,00 €.5,00 €Nykyinen hinta on: 5,00 €.
TietoYhteiskunta & ympäristöAvainsanat
2012ekologisuusenergiailmastoilmastonmuutosilmastopolitiikkaIso-BritanniapolitiikkaranskasuomiteknologiaTeräväinenKirjan lisätiedot
Isbn | 9789522641434 |
Sivumäärä | 262 |
Julkaisuaika | 02 / 2012 |
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