
Learning from the South & Book release in WSF Tunis!

on Friday the 29th at 1pm in hall E7

Learning from the South

Global Pedagogies of Power and Transformation

with Meena Menon, Geoffrey Pleyers, Virginia Vargas, Immanuel Wallerstein, Giuseppe Caruso and Teivo Teivainen, among others. Welcome! (Into-ebooks & Left Forum FIN)

eBook launch:

Jai Sen & Peter Waterman (eds.):
World Social Forum: Critical Explorations
Reduced price until 15 May (15€):                                                          http://www.intokustannus.fi/tiedostot/pdf/1363962564_into-ebooks-tunisia.pdf  www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum

Giuseppe Caruso: Cosmopolitan futures
Download for free:

Peter Waterman: Recovering Internationalism
Download for free:

PDF:  www.intokustannus.fi/tiedostot/pdf/1363962564_into-ebooks-tunisia.pdf